JIRA Status Update

Hi Team,
I am advocating the use of Monday.com within our projects team and the wider business and promoting the Work.OS culture but we have an issue with potential integrations between Monday.com and JIRA.

I have a tracker on Monday.com which has all my JIRA tickets and i want to ensure that when the status is updated on JIRA - the status is updated on Monday.com - and the status is captured.

So if a Ticket in JIRA is “In Development” - then i want that status reflected in Monday.com and when it changes to “Done” - i want that updated.

Currently i am having to use Zapier to trial this and spending too much time creating lookup tables and other bits and pieces - which will not work when my team create 30-50 tickets daily and we monitor 500 tickets in any given week.

It also makes no sense to pay for multiple automation tools.

So can this be achieved with current integrations without using another 3rd party tool?

Look forward to guidance from the community and the monday.com team.



Hey @AmitSharma – you can certainly achieve some of this functionality with our existing integrations.

Our JIRA integration will generate new items on your board when a new ticket (issue) is created in JIRA. It will also pull any changes made in JIRA into monday.com.

If you’re looking for a JIRA-to-monday integration on new tickets, this should do the trick! The only limitations of this approach is that it will not sync existing tickets, and updates in monday will not flow to JIRA.

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Hi Dipro,
Which one of the integrations do we need to use for that - it also seems a bit open ended as we would not want every JIRA ticket to create an item on our board but will give it a whirl

Is it this one


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HI @AmitSharma! Yep, this would be the only recipe we have with an ongoing sync to Jira to reflect the status that you mentioned in your first post. Can you offer up other recipes where this might be useful? We can pass this along to our team to consider when improving our Jira integration! Cheers!

The thing that is missing at the moment, is that Comments from those Jira tickets aren’t available as a mapping to Monday pulse updates.
Or at least I cannot find that when mapping Jira fields to Monday item columns in my integration.

Am I missing that somehow?

I think it is a bigger issue as i only want to have certain tickets and it means that we need to create separate projects in JIRA for everything if we only wish to sync just some tickets. Right now, items being created in Monday.com for every ticket so this does not work for us.

Hi Patrick!

Correct, currently comments do not map over from JIRA to monday.com. Happy to pass this request to our team to see if this something we can improve in the future! Appreciate your feedback, cheers!


Getting the JIRA comments into monday updates would be very helpful!

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Hi everyone I am reading your comments

If you wanted to hand craft this you could use the Scriptrunner JIRA add on to perform a Monday API call for a certain event.

You can get the comments from a simple GET:

    def issueKey = 'DEMO-1'
    def result = get('/rest/api/2/issue/' + issueKey)
            .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        return result.body.fields.comment.comments

The above returns the comments as JSON.

I’ve got an example of using a Post Function to create a pulse here - Using the API to create a pulse with JIRA ticket details from a JIRA state change - #4 by AlexSavchuk

I forgot about posting that. I just added an Integromat scenario that copies in the JIRA comments to our integrated items.