Lack of dummy users for proposed projects

I really dont understand what everyone else is doing as project managers if you cant do a first pass project and assign tasks to ‘BA’ ‘UX Designer’ ‘FE Dev’ without actually having to have a real person - surely its part of business case development, project proposals and so on to map out what it might look like without having to assign each task to a user on the domain. its kind of mad? or am i just not seeing something?

Also if i want to send a client a project plan but want to assign a task to them to show the dependency on them how can i do that if they are not on my domain with an email and so on? why must they have an email in the first place?

Hey @StephenEqtr have you considered using the team function to act as a ghost user? You can name a team, the name of a person on your team, they don’t have access to the platform in any capacity, but you’re able to still assign them in a person column. Information on the team function is HERE

Otherwise, you can share a link to a board view by hovering your mouse over the view name, selecting the 3 dots that appear and selecting “Share” as pictured below:

Great thinking. You could use an unmonitored email, or ask the email owner to unsub from the monday emails.

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Thanks for this. It was useful. However what I am really trying to achieve is sharing a project view where the client is alerted to their responsibility, essentially a ‘pre delivery’ phase where we are saying you need to get resource ‘here’, ‘here’ and ‘here’.

A colleague has pointed out if you put the client tasks in a seperate group assigned to noone and then share the Gantt view - then that group tasks appear mixed with another set of group tasks. assigning the gantt colour by group then achieves the result of calling out client responsibilities without having to assign tasks (at this moment in time) to the client.

(Not ideal) Can you share 2 Gantt views with them? Or a Chart view with 2 Gantts on it. One coloured by group or status, and one coloured by another status column, that is Green for Allocated, and Red for Needs a resource?

Hey @StephenEqtr, sorry for the delay here. Have you tried the “Color By” function? You could use a label column to indicate internal vs external task and then color the gantt chart by the column. Then whatever color is the client color they would know where they need to assign resources. Let me know I’m still misunderstanding the ask