for… awesome Gantt Charts!
I like the new overview very much, thanks guys!
@Eltjo Glad you enjoy it; nice looking view you have there!
Thanks. An average sprintplanning project for us
Beside the nice looking Gantt Chart I just found out that the views are now shareable via a url. Again good stuff. Thanks for this update!
Oh yeah, super cool feature. If you haven’t yet, check out the Viewers feature - really nice way to involve outside partners without allowing them to change anything.
It’s actually a new type of user, like standard users and guests.
Ah ok thanks, i’ll check it out. Are they invited like guests?
Here’s the article
@Krishele Precisely, thank you! They’re invited like Guests, but they just have no ability to edit anything. Sort of like Broadcast view, but the opposite direction - they’re invited into the account to view things, instead of you sending them a URL for just a single board.
It would be great if you could see a link between the dependencies.
Hi @Spearhead - Would love to pass this feedback along, I want to make sure I understand; do you mean something more visual than the column that lists the row on which the other row is dependent? Maybe something like a color coded arrow?
Let me know your thoughts!
Yes, your idea is good, However, I was also thinking that a line with an arrow linking the tasks in the timeline view when Gantt is selected would be very helpful.
Ah, I like it. Thanks for the suggestion!
I would like to suggest that the dependencies would be shown in the timeline view. E.g. when task 2 is dependent of task 1, there would be a line connecting them in the timeline view. To go a bit further with this feature, it would be great to be able to link multiple items to on item, e.g. task 2 being dependent of task 1 and task 0.
I have moved your post here @Matilda as it is related to this topic which others have been asking for!
I agree.
It would be great if tasks could have multiple dependencies, with a line connecting them in the timeline view.
I also would like multiple dependencies.
Did any developers at actually manage a project using another tool? I am at a loss for how woefully inadequate this is showing dependencies! Wow - great in other areas but clearly the developers had NEVER NEVER use MS Project in the real world.
My organisation also NEEDS to be able to link multiple dependencies and we would love to see the links on the timeline. Is this something that is under consideration?