We use our Monday.com to track several facets of our business, Primarily scheduling sub-contractors and tracking where they are going and when. This said often times a person may work a different shift then originally scheduled.
Currently this process starts in our scheduler’s workspace on a scheduling “Hub” board. Once the information is completely filled out and the shift has been “Confirmed” the shifts status is changed to confirmed which triggers the item to be duplicated in two other workspaces.
First it is created in an open workspace where all staff members are able to see the accumulated shifts that are scheduled on their own board. (We currently use this as a middle ground page to make “Edits” in shift changes). There is also other information available in this section for those who use it.
Second it is created in a Back-office workspace on a Payroll tracking Board where we track the final stages of the process and confirm that shifts were worked and ensure payment.
All of this said. I have not been able to find an automation or set up that would allow the two items created to be linked so that if a change is made to the item on the Open Workspace board THAT change would be automatically made on the duplicate that is in the Back Office workspace and board as well without having to be manually changed.
All of this said there are a variety of columns in use across all workspaces in each item that we create as a “Shift”.
Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you all in advance.