Looking for beginners tutorials on using Monday for tracking sales

Hello. I am exploring using Monday as a sales management tool. We have a about a dozen products to sell and would like to tracks contacts, products, pricing, tasks and activity with our clients. I am sure this has been done many a time. I would like to start simple and learn more about how to introduce more automation.

Where can I find beginner and intermediate tutorials and guides to get us set up?

I look forward to getting something simple set up.
Thank you. Neil

Hey @nplanchon! The best place to learn would be either our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/mondaydotcom) or our webinars page: Webinar hub | monday.com! You can watch webinars on-demand or join a live one with the opportunity to ask an expert questions in real time.

If you have any further questions about this, shoot us an email at support@monday.com! :blush:

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