Hi Community,
I run a function space and I wanted to share how I am able to add all SMS’s between me and my leads onto monday as an update. This is a working process, however inefficient as it uses up a lot of Zaps.
The flow:
- Trigger; SMS sent or received
- Automation; SMS is forwared in the form of text in an email with this app:
- Email received by Zapier and parsed to gather: Name, Number, message text and incoming/outgoing status
- My inefficient but working Zap begins
- email is received and parsed
- filtered out known numbers that I text regularly that are not leads
- path is chosen for outgoing or incoming message. they are both the same except for that fact so I will just show 1 path.
- The 2 posts requests are the same as I am searching 2 boards for a matching phone number, here is an example of 1 of them.
- there is another split that only continues if a number is found on either board
- I then create an update so that it says “Elliot text:” on an outgoing message or “{pulse.customername} text:” on an incoming message followed by the parsed message text.
And that is it, the whole process takes about 12seconds to update after a SMS is sent or received.
Notable roadblocks:
-In Australia our mobile numbers are recognised as +614** *** *** OR 04** *** *** so I trained the Parse engine to only extract from the 4 onwards in the number. Then added a “0” in-front when searching monday for a matching number as all the numbers saved on monday are in the 04** *** *** format.
-You can only search 1 board at a time with the Post request so I ended up picking my 2 mostly used boards and only searching them.
This is just part of the overall process from this topic: