Monday - Web vs. Desktop

What are the Pros & Cons of using the Web vs. Desktop version of Monday?

What do you use the most?

  • Desktop App (Mac/Windows)
  • Web

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I would like to know which of the two consumes less resources

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Hey @OmerZ, here are some thoughts from the team! The browser supports upload from Google Drive, Dropbox, and other online file services, but the desktop app does not. There is no billing section on the desktop app. Switching between accounts doesn’t work on the desktop app either.

The desktop screen resizes.

Our desktop app is essentially a lightweight browser that only displays and nothing else.

I’d love to hear what other people think!

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Thank you

Would be great if we can have an offline version to work on the desktop and it has a sync function once connectivity is available again. Just like google docs working offline that kind of thing.