Monday Work Management Keeps freezing and locking up

Has anyone experienced the system continously freezing up when working inside of the work management tool? It has been happening a lot lately, but is especially noticeable working inside of the table view. Trying to add data and select drop down items for a project and the system just freezes up. I try to refresh by going to another board, just to navigate away from the current thing I’m page. Most of the time I have to refresh the browser session and then it works. it’s very annoying and making the process of recording data take longer.

I’ve not had that issue. Have you tried clearing cookies/cache?

@LaShaye have you contacted monday support to check your account on their end?

Other things you can try:

  1. do a hard refresh on browser (Ctrl+Shift+R)
  2. click through each board/dashboard/doc and let it load
  3. run a speed test
  4. if you can’t use ethernet make sure you are using the 5GHz channel instead of 2.4GHz, and your wifi adapter is plugged into the USB 3.0 port (if you have one)
  5. clear cache and cookies
  6. use chrome, firefox, safari, or microsoft edge browsers
  7. deactivate any automations that currently aren’t in use
  8. clean up your board data, and delete any redundant columns
  9. upgrade your laptop or PC if its greater than 5 years old, or has very low specs
  10. update your PC/Laptop
  11. update your modem
  12. restart your modem
  13. call your ISP

Bruce Gosk |
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