Net Promoter Score count


Creating a NPS right now and realized that there seems to be no way to count how many times the survey was shared. Which sucks! As many other times, encountering a situation like this makes me think that no one has ever used for NPS.
The only turnaround that might be able to help with this is connecting the NPS board to a status column on my Contacts board and. The status changes whenever the link is shared.

Any one has another alternative that won’t take 1 hour?


What do you mean with „survey was shared“? You mean how many surveys you sent out?

I am not sure if you would need 1 hour for that implementation.

It‘s easy:

  1. I assume you have created the NPS survey in a monday workform

  2. Next up create a checkbox column in your contacts board

  3. Mark the sample you want to survey (you can use several ways to determine the sample, if you have customer numbers you could ask for a random 200 customer numbers. If you use Monday AI you could use AI automations for that.

  4. Send a Mass Email containing the workforms link to the NPS survey

  5. mark all the contacts you sent the email to in the checkbox.