New additions to the webhooks family!

Working here on my end too. Thanks.

item_deleted webhook is working fine, but it will be good if ‘groupId’ or you can say it as ‘previousGroupId’ is returned in the payload.
Currently payload for delete webhook returns
{‘userId’: ***** , ‘originalTriggerUuid’: None, ‘boardId’: *****, ‘itemId’: *, ‘itemName’: '‘, ‘app’: ‘monday’, ‘type’: ‘delete_pulse’, ‘triggerTime’: ‘2023-03-03T06:52:58.247Z’, ‘subscriptionId’: , ‘triggerUuid’: '’}
I just updated ***** in place of actual data

Hello there @AartiKulkarni,

I have added your vote towards these request :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for the feedback!
