New app alert: Rollup Subitems

A new app arrived in the marketplace, called Rollup Subitems.

As you might guess from the name the app rolls up (or aggregates / summarizes) column values from the subitems into the parent item. And yes, we do know there is standard monday functionality to summarize subitems data into a parent item column.

We build this app because:

  • the standard solution adds a “mirror” column to the parent that can’t be used in other automations
  • this standard mirror column can’t be used to hold the same information for parent items that does not have subitems

On top of that we needed:

  • filtering that allows us to summarize just the filtered subitems
  • Red Amber Green (RAG) statuses where the user specifies what combination of statuses from subitems convert to Good, Bad and Ugly

At Excellent Team we are committed to build integration apps to help our customers to achieve things that can’t be done with standard monday automations.

Use cases for this app are all situations where you need to summarize data from subitems into the parent item without het limitations from the standard “summarize to parent item” solution. Do you want to know the summary of costs from your subitems that were made in Q1, Q2 etc, or do you want it per month > filtering is the solution. Do you want a quick overview of the overall health of your subitems > RAG columns provide the answer.

For those familiar with our app Rollup Multiple Boards there is even better new. With Rollup Subitems added to the Rollup Multiple Boards templates you have one master board that provides an overview of all your down-level (project) boards, including the subitems on these boards.

More information can be found here, this includes detailed pricing info (one time fee per board) and the “Try me” link. A full instruction video for both Rollup Multiple Board, Rollup Subitems and how to combine them is provided here.

The installation is straightforward, you are just a few clicks away from a full overview of what is happening in your (project) boards.

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