*New app by spot-nik*

Hi, do the templates work in the standard Monday.com automations or only on the third party integrations interface? The reason I ask is because outlook is supported on the standard interface which mean more comple recipes can be created.

Hi Chris,
Supemail is a third party app (add-on) for monday.
It was born due to missing capabilities with monday native automated emails- no rich text, no files, no support for mirrored columns.
Supermail works with Outlook and Gmail.
For more complex recipes with more than one condition to trigger I usually use a workaround-
I have a status column- this would be the one triggering the email sending.
I build the complex recipes to change this status column to the relevant label to send the relevant email.
For example-
I want to send a template in Spanish for Spanish users only when a specific date has come.
For this I have a status column with many labels- one of them is “spanish”
I build a custom automation- when “user language” is “spanish” and when date arrives then change status to spanish.
I build an integration recipe - when status is “spanish” send “spanish template” to recipients.

Does that make sense?

Yes that does make sense, thank you.

Is it possible to add the emails that are sent as updates on the item?

Hi Chris,
If you use Emails and Activities (the monday native app) the automated email sent by Supermail will appear there.
So this will be shown in the item’s view.

Hi - We would like to include an image on the email and link it to a URL based on board information is this possible yet? if anone has any suggestions they are most appreciated!

Hi Sam
With Supermail you can add images and send links.
Take a look at this video
As to links in the board information- this is not supported.

Hope this helps

Really enjoying SuperMail, just wondering if there are limits to the amount of templates you can create? If we’re using this on multiple boards, are there any limits on this too?

Hi Rachael
There is no limit to templates :slight_smile:
You can have as many templates as you’d like.
But, please notice your account has a limit on integrations- that changes between accounts (pro/ enterprise).

Enjoy SuperMail

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