New feature in development: Board discussions!

Hey Robin,

Whilst it isn’t set in stone, we are looking at this being released sometime in Q3. We appreciate your patience with us!

Hey @delia,

Is this what you’re referring to?

Feel free to elaborate further so I can be sure I am not misunderstanding :pray:

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Hi @BiancaT ! Do you have an update about the release of this feature please ? Thanks !

Hello, We seem to have this enabled in the mobile app, but not on the web - does that seem right? Is there somewhere I can activate this feature for the majority of our users (who are on the web)? Thank you!

Hey Paul and Etienne,

This feature is still in its testing stages. I am not able to communicate a concrete ETA, however has asked for an update directly from our product team. I will get back to you as soon as I hear back!

In regard to the mobile app, this feature has been released to a small number of users as test, which explains why you might have access! We will continue to provide updates as they’re shared with us - thanks for our continued patience :pray:


Hi @BiancaT I have a shareable board and a user was in this board. They have since been removed from the board however they are still getting notifications when a comment is made on the board discussion. What is the logic for who is notified when a comment is left on the board discussion?

Hey Yossi, checking on this for you! :pray:

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Hey Yossi, thanks for your patience with me!

I have heard from our product team who confirmed that in both cases, the board discussion works the same way as the updates, as such, if you write or reply to an update, you are now subscribed to it and will receive notifications even if you are no longer a board subscriber. You can then choose to unfollow a specific conversation to put a pause on those notifications. Does this make sense?

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Quick follow up question on this, @BiancaT - Does this system behavior that keeps someone subscribed to a board conversation even if they aren’t “subscribed” to the board only apply to Main boards and members?

What about Guests who are removed from the board and were previously subscribed? What about members who are removed from being subscribed to Private boards? In both cases keeping the users subscribed to the board conversation would be a security/privacy issue. Can you confirm how those are handled?

Yes, thank you Bianca that makes sense.

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Thank you for your patience with me!

I can confirm that - yes, the system behaviour apply to main boards and members. Only those users that have access to the board/item will continue being subscribed - i.e. for guests or those users who no long have access will no longer be subscribed.

Does this help?

Hi @BiancaT,
Do all subcribers to a board automatically have access to this board discussion including all quests? Or will it be possible to use this board discussion as an internal discussion which guests (customers) can not see?

Would be useful imo to have some kind of rights connected to that board discussion. To be able to only use this board discussion for board owners only (make it invisible to guests with a ‘rights option’) to make notes about that specific project.
Then if you want to communicate to the customer on generic conversations or topics then you should be able to open up that board discussion to the customer.

Just a thought. Not sure if this was already taken into account in the development.
Kind regards,

Hey @ImplementatieNmbrs,

This will include guests that are subscribed to the board.

That said, I really like your idea about setting permissions/rights for the feature. I will share this directly with our product manager and get back to you if there’s any future plannings :slight_smile:

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I can’t wait for this release!! Thank you for continually improving Monday!

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What’s the current timeline for this feature?

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Can we pin to top in this feature?

@BiancaT Do we know when this will be available in the desktop/web version? We can see it in the iOS app, but not when using it on the computer. Thank you so much!

If you open a board in your desktop browser and put “/posts” at the end of the URL, the Board Discussion window for that board appears. I haven’t figured out any other way to see that from the desktop version of Monday.

Hey Kelly! Whilst subject to change, we are aiming to have this fully released by end of Q :raised_hands:

This is because the feature is still yet to be fully released! As mentioned, we expect a full release by end of Q - we will be informing our community when the feature is out :slight_smile:

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