Hello everyone,
I suggest a new feature, after discussion with Monday support team.
For this exemple, i made simple, but the objective is to have a supervision board to know what is the number of task by status « ToDolist » of a team. In this exemple it’s an IT teams, work on differents subjects.
Context :
On a dashboard, connected on 3 portfolio (one porfolio for each people in team), i want to display a resume of this multiple portfolio (each porfolio and and project in there is based on the same model, (with same Status, Priority, available columns…)
Objective :
This is an exemple of very simple Porfolio, with 2 project and his display on the main dashboard :
More detail here :
2 project in progress :
Each project have 2 tasks :
On the dashboard view, i configure the widget with a first filter to have only tasks of 1 person (because all porfolio IT team is connected on the dashboard and a person can have tasks on other board) , and after i set the « Axe X » with the progression bar of portfolio (it’s the only item available on this list to have this result, maybe the new feature requires on new one)
I have now this view, with all the item and status for one people on all the project of IT team
And now, i want to make disappear, the « Done » task, it’s not interesting to have this information,
So i put this filter :
But, after i put this filter, all the project who contains a « Done » task disepear, because the filter is applied to the project and not on tasks.