My company is new to so I apologize if I missed something.
We ship product to our study site based upon the date they give us as the study procedure date. This date can be changed several times by the study site.
There doesn’t appear to be an automation that would do something like:
When DATE changes (or modified) NOTIFY SOMEONE.
If there is a way to do this, I surely missed it.
BTW, I did try to create this using the custom automation builder, using the format:
I then chose the Date column for the COLUMN placehoder in the formula. Unfortunately this triggered a notification when ANY colum was changed. If I change COLUMN to DATE in the custom builder - there is no option to trigger off of a change in date.
This sounds very similar to what you built out using the custom automations builder! This automation allows you to define a column as the Date column on your board. Then whenever any item’s date is changed on your board, whoever you have selected in the someone field will receive a notification in their bell icon. They can also receive these notifications via email depending on their notification preferences.
BTW – I did create that same automation using the CUSTOM RECIPE. It did send the notification, however, it sent the notification on EVERY column change, not just the column I specified.
Is there a way to notify a person ONLY if they are assigned to the task?
In other words, if I use this automation, when DATE column changes, notify ME, then I will be notified every single time the dates are changed on all tasks on a board. I would like to be notified ONLY when I (or a team I am on) is assigned to that task. Is that possible? Is there a different way to restrict this notification?
I just tried setting this up, but I could only select a “user” for “Person is assigned to …”, not a “team” (although I could select a team for “notify someone…”). Am I missing something? If not, it would be great to add this feature.
I don’t think so. I’m not looking to “assign a team”. The team is already assigned to the item. I want the notification to send for an item already assigned to a team (instead of just a single person):
Got it, thanks for explaining! I’m afraid we don’t have this functionality available at the moment—the way to go for now would be to set up multiple automations (one for each person).
If a task is assigned to a “team”, would the automation trigger if I just selected an individual person in the “assigned to” field? Or will it not recognize the person, since the task is not assigned to that person individually?
Hi, related to the date change question - is there a way to only notify people when a timeline is moved for > # days? I do not want to annoy users with every minor change in timing.