I would like to notify a sales rep a new lead has been added to the leads board 2 hours after the lead was created. Is there anyway to do this? I know you can send notifications in daily increments at specific times. But I want to send a notification the same day the item is created 2 hours after it is created.
hi @Charlie_F
I don’t think that is possible out-of-the-box. You can do this with an app called “Delayed Status Changed”. Although this app is designed to set a status label to a value an x amount of time after an event, it can be used here when:
- set status to a value (e.g. New) when item is created, this can be done with item default values inside monday
- use the Delayed Status Change app to set the status to (e.g. Notify) 2 hours after status is changed to New (from above)
- create an automation to notify someone when status is changed to Notify (from above)
Hope that helps.
Hello Bas, thanks for sharing. The app allows for hourly increments? I am only seeing “daily” in the app description.
Great! Thanks Bas!