One Project, Multiple Milestones?

Would love some feedback on how to track design projects with multiple milestones. Much of our work includes several rounds of edits each with their own deadline. For example, “round 1 concepts due to cllient by X / client feedback due by Y / round 2 designs due to client by Z.”

I have tried to set up each round and it’s corresponding review period as a subitem but this is cumbersome and doesn’t seem to be how Monday is designed to work. Is there a solution that I have overlooked to accurately track these deadlines across projects?


Hi @tdurning ,

I see this all the time - we have a couple of ways to approach it depending on other details within the full scope of your workflow. I’d like to have a conversation with you around optimising in line with your requirements.

I’m on the upstream team - we’re Platinum Partners, Preferred Partners and APAC Partner of the Year for 2020. You’ll have access to our experienced solutions team, and we have a full stack custom dev team in house for any integrations or custom needs.

Please use this link to select a time we can meet, or feel free to email me directly via

Thanks and kind regards,
Peta - upstream

Hi @tdurning :wave:

Welcome to the Community!

The best way to track this within monday would be to have multiple Date columns on the board for each round of edits.
This will allow you to set multiple milestones and even use dependencies. This means that if the original review date is pushed back by a week, you can automatically have the second review date pushed back by the same number of days.
You can use multiple date columns within the board views, such as the Calendar view, so that you can easily see when each of your review dates is approaching.

You can read more about the date column and using dependencies in the articles below:
The Date Column
How to Set Dependencies on

The only limitation with this set up is if your team are using My Work. Currently My Work only allows for one date column on the board to be set as the deadline. This allows My Work to show the upcoming deadlines for items in date order - with the nearest approaching deadline first.

Could this set up be an option for you?



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