Only Admins can Create Boards and Automations

I’m on pro plan and I’d like to blank out the option for non-admin team members to create boards, automations or integrations. It seems the advanced permissions admin controls are only available on enterprise which is not a good fit as our clients are usually 2-5 users. When I asked about it support added it to my pro app for 1 month to trial - if i wanted to upgrade to Enterprise, but the jump in price is obviously overkill and not a good fit for our smaller clients. Would be amazing if this could be added as an option in pro though, even at an extra cost.



We’re on a Pro plan too and we think there should be more granular permissions for Pro users.

With our previous software, we had role-based permissions with Admins and Super-Admins. We miss those options in Monday.



This feature should be in mid-advanced plans.


I definitely agree about automations and integrations (I, too, propose that their creation be limited to admins), although I feel that any user should be able to create at least Private and Shareable boards, with Main/Public boards having some additional permission-based options.

But in general, I agree with the others here. Any additional permission options in this area would be welcomed.

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100% to everything on this thread!
We were just forced to create a “dummy” account and give it admin access just to generate an API key - as I didn’t want to pass around my personal API key which would essentially give access to all my private and locked boards.

I’m struggling to find any other tools that we work with that only have one level of admin access for paid accounts. It should be a pretty basic feature - delegating different levels of admin access (ie. super admin has access to everything, all other admin features are delegated on a case-by-case basis).
Monday should make this a priority - break the admin features into several groupings (billings, team membership, API access/security, branding/customization) and allow the master admin to delegate select admin capabilities to certain users based on their needs. There is no reason why this should be solely an enterprise-level feature…

Hope this can be put in the works relatively soon - the admin feature is too powerful as is.


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With our previous software, we had role-based permissions with Admins and Super-Admins. We miss those options in Monday.

This is the Roles & Permissions screen from our previous software. As you can see, very granular and detailed. Something similar in Monday on all plans would be very welcome. The current all-or-nothing options are too limited.

As @NCO states, I don’t see why this should be exclusively for Enterprise plans.

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