Outlook Integration to Monday Board & Monday Inbox

Context: One of our teammates set up an outlook integration to the board and it is working as expected.
Issue: as a member of the board I am now receiving each auto-forwarded email to my Monday.com Inbox. This is not necessary and saves no time because now I am reviewing in Monday inbox vs Outlook and still have to review and check off. :sob:
Request: remove notification from Monday.com Inbox

This particular integration has daily high volume emails making this situation worse.

Hi @mzona,

Can you try unsubscribing yourself to the item via the top right hand corner of the updates section?

@BiancaT Doesn’t seem to be an option. Am I doing something wrong?

Ah my apologies, can you instead navigate to the dedicated board and adjust the board notifications settings as you see relevant:

Screen Shot 2023-05-25 at 3.04.29 pm

Let me know if this changes anything on your end :pray: