Personalised saved views

It would be helpful to have the ability to create views that are saved against an individual account, rather than having to create a new view for each filter on a board / dashboard.

For my use case, we have one board which contains work handled by dozens of colleagues. We are encouraging users to filter the list using a view with the “me (dynamic)” saved filter, to filter to their own work. However, some people may want a personal view that differs to this, such as a selection of colleagues’ work, or a different filter.

Someone could “save a filter as a new view” but this creates their personal view for all other users.

It would be very helpful if, instead, each user could create any filter they find helpful, and save it as a private view, or as a saved filter on the main board, that others could not see. Even better if they are able to share any created views / filters with selected users.

My team really needs this also so hoping it is on the roadmap

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