Progress Bar - how to use

Any suggestions on how to use the progress bar?
Right now it seems it only displays 0% if the status is not done, and 100% if the status is done.
I have done a lot of work in the platform and they have a progress bar column available that is super simple, you can just enter a number and it displays that percentage.
A lot of the features seem super complicated to me so perhaps I am not the right user for the product. But other advice I have received here from the community has been helpful, so I am asking again on this one!

In the settings for the progress bar you can choose which status columns it’s looking at. Then you’ll also want to make sure that each of those columns have ‘done’ options (see below images).

OK thanks for this! So status column is the only way to make the progress bar work? It’s tough because in my work each task/project is different and so I don’t want to have to create a whole list of different statuses for each one. I am also trying to have a manageable size table, not like 100 different columns. I guess I could do something like “First phase” “second phase” etc

even still some tasks might only have two or three phases and some might have like 10

@wenzday yes, this feature works best if you have multiple status columns on a board. An example of when it would be useful is if you have a list of projects that always have a few main stages they need to follow, and you track each stage in a column.

If this doesn’t fit your work though, and each task/project is different, you’re better off using subitems and rolling them up to the parent level to get a progress bar-like visual Check it out here