Project Forecast Totals Based on Project Length

Hey Everyone,

New to Monday, I am looking to start a CRM for our small company. I have created a “deal” list with our active proposals that include project start dates, project end dates and project estimated sales by department. As an examplate I would have:

Now what I want to do is create a dashboard graph that will show our projected total future sales for each discipline based on our project proposals and their start and end date. So the Elec Eng value of project 1 would be split evenly between May 17 and Jul 9 and summed on the graph with the same set of data for the rest of the proposals.

This will help project our resource needs for each discipline based on our projected sales.

Hi @mleggott I don’t think monday can produce such a chart but there is a 3rd party add-on that can do it. I suggest to take a look at our Analytics & Reports add-on, which has a chart called ‘Workload (Planned)’ that does what you describe.

Here’s an example chart:

The leftmost bar is the current week and the bars on the right are the future weeks. It looks at all the open items and sums up the total work based on set start and end dates. The work is evenly distributed for the duration between the start and the end date.

You can use any of your number fields as the unit and you can group data by any of the columns in your board. Each bar represents the sum of week, month or quarter so you can see the total estimated sales by department per week/month/quarter.

You can create that chart as a custom chart and place it in the monday dashboard.

You can learn more about this chart on this blog post.