Record an activity across multiple contacts

Hi all,

I’m fairly confident with the CRM and have been using it for a little while. I find the emails and activities tab useful, but I do have some questions around what’s possible, specifically:

  • Can I create an activity across multiple contacts? As an example, I run training events which could potentially include contacts from a range of organisations. I don’t want to have to go into each contact and record the activity. This would take a while and ultimately end up creating lots of ‘activities’ on the activities board, which isn’t accurate, because there was only one activity.
  • I know I can achieve the above by adding the activity directly to the activity board and then associating the contacts. However, this doesn’t then record the activity against the individual, so if I view that contact and look at the emails and activities board, the activity won’t show.

Am I missing something? This seems like a fairly basic feature for a CRM so hoping there is an easy method to achieve what I’m looking for.

Many thanks

Hi Finbar!

I am pretty sure you can achieve this by using deals. Do you have a particular issue with using deals for this usecase?

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I’m not sure deals would work as we use them to actually signify commercial deals we are working on or have in place.

Really I just want a way where I can record an activity (e.g. let’s say a webinar we hosted) and be able to assign all the contacts that took part in that activity. At the moment I can do that by going to activities board, create the activity and then assign the contacts.

However, the issue is if I go to one of those contacts and visit their email and activity tab, the activity won’t appear, which seems a bit useless unless I’m missing something obvious.

Hi Finbar - did you ever get a response to this question? I am trying to figure out the same issue

Hi Chris, sadly not and I haven’t found a solid work around. At the moment we are adding additional contacts via the activities board, but it’s really only half the job.

Hi Finbar, thanks for sharing this use case! Your flow totally makes sense - it’s just that the main idea behind the activities in the specific feature, Emails & Activities, is to record the events or notes related to an exact contact/lead/account/etc.

Then, maybe the closest workaround for your preferred setup would be, indeed, to manually add an item for a training session to the Activities board (or have a separate board for the training sessions, just in order to keep it structured), connect the relevant contacts to it (through a 2-way connection, it’s important), and add the activity to the training session item. This way, it will be reflected under each contact’s feed because the high-level Activities item is connected.

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

Let me know what you think!

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