Replies are not updating the "Last Updated" time stamp

It seems that when replying to updates it does not accurately reflect the “Last Updated” column. This is causing issues with our metric tracking. Can this be fixed and/or added?


Updates dont change the timestamp “Last Update” as well. It look like but it dont. This is weird, if you add an update you can see the “Last Update”-Stamp changes, but if you reload the site it shows the old stamp…
And you are right, replies to updates dont change the stamp as well, just without this bug, like the Update itself.

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Has there been a resolution to this issue? I’m having the same problem. It seems that any changes to a record should trigger an update but the only way I’ve found to make the Last Updated column to actually update is to edit the Name (i.e. primary column) and revert the change. This is totally inconvenient and not at all how it should work. Are we all using this field incorrectly? Logic would dictate that any change to a record would update the Last Updated field. This is how I need it to work to keep bubbling up sales leads to the top of the list…or the bottom of the list depending on what I’m trying to view.


This is by design. In fact, it new updates used to work the way you want; but this was changed by monday.

There are a number of ways to restore the old functionality. One way is to add this Update Magic #1 recipe to your board:

Jim - The Monday Man
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