Restrict filters/Hide on a view

I would like to know if there is anyway I can restrict the filter choices & Hide in a specific view, and not allow the user to “save” the changes they make in the filter or on the hiding columns. is there anyway to do this so the user can change the filtering, but can not save (only owners can save)

or at least if there is a way to reset the predefined filters/hide on that view?

Hey @albukhari87,

We are in the process of developing a feature like this for our Pro and Enterprise Plan in the very near future! Stay tuned :eyes:

thank you very much, I noticed that filters on dashboards can not be edited by regular users, I will use dashboards meanwhile, thanks alot :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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This still isn’t fixed and this post lacks an upvote button.

Hey everyone,

This is a feature that we are addressing in our new lock views feature which is currently in gradual release! More information here → Let me know if you have questions!