Restriction of Timeline Column for Board Owners

Hello everyone,

we have a PRO plan and I need to restrict timeline column for board owners (project managers), so they will not be able to modify project dates. At the moment we have around 100 project boards on Monday. I set up column restriction for the timeline column in a template. Now when a project manager wants to create new project, they need to come to me and I will set the right starting date for them. So in this way, all new projects will be fine but I need to change it in our older projects. Is there any seamless solution to this?

Thank you,

Hey Veronika,

Just to clarify, are you referring to changing the column permissions for boards created prior to the template or are you referring to the timeline column? I look forward to hearing from you!

Yes, I am reffering to the board created previously.

Thanks for clarifying! I am afraid you would need to manually adjust the column permissions in those boards made prior to the template. I apologise for the setback here :pray:

Yes, but it is not possible to restrict column for the board owner. Project managers are the board owners but I need to restrict timeline column for them.

Ah I understand. I am afraid if the project managers are board owners, they will have control over the timeline column. Is it possible to remove them as board owners?