Column Permission restriction - edit and/or view

You can now restrict column permission to view, or edit. But I need to be able to restrict view to some persons, and to restrict edit to others… Now we can only choose between the two. I hope this is a minor developer task, but big pain point :slight_smile:

Hi Monday community… any feedback on this??? Is this on a roadmap?

I could really use this functionality as well!


Yes please

This feature would be super helpful for us as well, as we are running into some pretty major concerns with not being able to restrict viewing and editing separately for specific team members.

We have a board with about 40 columns per item, and need to be able to apply unique restrictions to specific team members, depending on their job position.

I hope this gets taken into serious consideration by the product team, as it would be great and very impactful improvement.

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Just updated to Pro, in large part for column permissions – I just cannot believe that edit and view cannot be defined separately. I initially thought that I was doing something wrong!

We need multiple columns to be visible only to a team, yet editable by nobody. Why can’t I do this? Ugh.

Yes, would love to have this feature added. I also need for our team.

Any update on this?


I definitely need this option! We can already restrict edit permission to a column and also restrict the viewing permissions, but not both at the same time :frowning: Why? Even Monday bot told me it was possible. It seems this can be a quick upgrade for Monday since the functionality is already there and it just a matter to let both restrictions be in place for the same column

Any updates on this?