Save Folder with all its Boards and Docs as Template

Hey, i built a Folder containing several Boards, Dashboards and Docs for managing a single project. My plan was to save it as a template and then utilize it when a new project has to be managed. However i dont find the option to save a whole folder with all its content as a template (only single boards). I tried to work around it by trying to copy/duplicate the folder but sees does not seem to be possible as well. Is there a solution to what i am trying to achieve?

Hey MM!

It is not possible at this time to create a template folder with boards and dashboards inside. However, I would suggest creating a workspace or folder titled “Template” and put template boards and dashboards in it.

Then, when you want to create new identical boards, you can either create from the template or duplicate the boards in the folder. Unfortunately, there is no way to duplicate folders at this time.

Sorry for the hassle here - I know it’s definitely a clunkier workaround.