Save PDFs to Emails & Activities Email Templates

I would like to set up email templates which include a designated PDF attachment that saves for recurring use, rather than having to upload each time. Is this in the works, by chance?

Ideally I would love to automate this completely without the manual selection of the template in the future but for now - the ability to save a PDF to the templates would be incredibly helpful.

Hey Ashley! Charlotte here with an idea! :blush: :bulb:

In your Emails & Activites app within the Updates Section, you can create template emails and attach a file (from your computer or Files Column) to always be included in this template.

Could this work for what you’re looking to do? Let me know your thoughts!

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That’s exactly what I’m trying to do but when i tested the template, the file wasn’t attached.

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Same here. The file is not saved in the template

Hi @CharlotteK Sorry this does not work. It would be the perfect solution. My client has expressed dissatisfaction that his team will have to remember to attach the same files every time. Can we please add this functionality to the product?

I would love this feature as well. was an update provided for this? i see its not solved.

Hi Charlotte… i noticed there was no reply to this one and this issue is not resolved. can you please provide a solution as your suggestions do not work.

Please vote at the top to put this on the teams radar. Only one vote so far, and 3 commenters.

Please vote at the top to put this on the teams radar.

This would be amazing. How do they not think of this? or is it just in the too hard basket

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Hello @GovConHacks

Check out EasyMails where you can design your email template using drag and drop editor on app which is available on marketplace

Would be great if this could be worked on. Kind of basic (nothing that should warrant another paid add-on really).