See all boards I own


I am after a way to see all boards I own, we are only on the Pro plan so the content directory is not available to me.


Hey Kirsty!

Charlotte here from the monday team! Unfortunately, this is not possible without the content directory.

In the meantime, would it work for you to use the Search Everything tool with a people filter applied?

Let me know your thoughts and we can go from there!

Thanks Charlotte.
Unfortunately that does not work as I’m not assigned in the person column on each board.

The main reason I’m after this is because I’ve transferred un-owned boards to myself and want to review what they were and the transfer only tells you a number not the ID’s etc

I have this exact same need. We can’t afford the subscription level that includes the content directory. This seems like such a basic feature it should be built into Pro tier.

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i have exactly the same thing. I had 35 “unowned” boards, i assigned them to me as I was the admin and now have no idea what or where they are?

I solved this through I THINK you can achieve it on the free tier, but if not, I did this (+ a lot more) on our approx $10 a month subscription. At least it’s cheaper than moving to the Monday enterprise plan.

There are probably many ways to do this, but here’s mine: I email myself a HTML table that contains the name and URL for each board I own. One email for boards and a separate one for documents (because documents and boards have different URL’s.)

The make scenario is built like this:

  1. List ALL boards in our account.
  2. Make two routes: one for documents and one for boards (to generate a working URL for both types).
    2.1: filter for the board route: owner=my user ID, AND board type=board.

    2.2 filter for the document route: owner=my user ID, AND board type=document.
  3. I use the text aggregator to generate the part of the HTML code that gives med each row of the table for my email. Below is the one I use in the boards route. For documents, you can just clone it and replace “boards” with “documents” in the URL.
   <td><a href="https://[team-name]{{}}/">Click to open</a>
  1. I use the “create a string” tool to put the rows into a table.
<table style=«width: 100%;» border=«1»>
      <td><b>Board name</b></td>
      <td><b>Open board</b></td>
  1. I email myself the result of step 4.

It’s unbelievable that an account with 40 simultaneous users doesn’t have a tool for an administrator to manage the boards. It makes Monday messy. It’s imperative to have this functionality, as you can’t hand over to the end user the ability to create endless sources of information without any integrity or management.