Send a DM in Slack to a user based on assigned person

I know we can automate a DM to a specific person by using their slack ID. However is there a way to tie the slack ID to a person in Monday. So when I assign BOB a task in Monday it send a DM in Slack to @BobSlack

Yes, You can do so. To automate sending a Slack DM when assigning a task in

  1. Create a Mapping Board: In, set up a board linking user names to their Slack IDs.
  2. Use Zapier to create automation in such a way that on task assigning in action is to Look up the user’s Slack ID from the mapping board. Then second action would be Sending a DM to that Slack ID in Slack.

Thank you. It seems like anytime I want to do something that seems like it should be core functionality you need another 3rd party tool.