Setting up recurring alerts in Slack and/or SMS

I saw a similar question already posted back in May but there was no response. Hoping I have better luck. :slight_smile:

I have the automation set up in Outlook to send an email every day for a past due task to the board subscribers.

First question, does board subscribers automatically include the customer who is subscribed as a guest? If so, can you limit it to only internal subscribers?

Second question, I want to send this same notification via slack and/or SMS. I do not see where to customize how often the notification goes out and customize the recipient.

Can anyone help?

Hey @stephanie.sweeney :wave:

Better luck has arrived :slight_smile:

First answer, yes, if a guest is subscribed to the board and you use an automation going to all board subscribers, they too count as board subscribers and will receive what’s being sent. Unfortunately, no, we can’t limit the automation to internal subscribers only.

To get around this, use a people column and assign your internal staff, then change the automation to be for those assigned, effectively excluding your guests as desired.

Second answer, a bit more fiddley. We need to set up some automations working together to get this orchestrated. You want a date column and a status column.


and then


Use that last ‘something’ to trigger your slack or text if it’s a past due task.


Hope that helps!
