Show parent task in My Focus view

Does anyone else find it annoying to go to their My Focus view and only see a list of tasks that all look the same? In our company, we use sub-tasks to allocate parts of a process to individuals to work on. For example Write, Review, Publish. With only the subtask name and the name of the board shown in the My Focus view it’s impossible to tell which sub-task is associate with which primary task without first opening them all. The alternative, is to use a naming convention that includes the parent task name in the sub-task, but that’s somewhat laborious and can’t be automated.

I would like to see the name of the parent task shown at the same level as the board name when viewing a list of tasks in the My Focus view.

If this is bugging you too, please up-vote this request.

Hi @sharvey . Check out the following thread: See & Update All Tasks From One Place - Feature requests/feedback - monday Community

The Monday team is working to refine the task management component of You’re use case might be of interest there :slight_smile:

Yes because of this we are looking at other options, this one lacking feature defeats the entire system for us :frowning: