Social Media Integration to Report Analytics on boards


I just wanted to ask this question if anyone is a marketing coordinator or manager using boards to track and follow social media campaigns including tracking and reporting analytics from Instagram and automate reporting tasks in

I recently tried Zapier to see if they integrate with Instagram to report follows, likes, shares, etc. metrics on a social media campaign tracking board I have already on It seems Zapier does not do this function as of yet. I already spoke to their team. Does anyone here on monday forum know of a way to accomplish this with another similar app to Zapier that will integrate with

I just want the analytics from social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, etc. to automatically appear in I don’t know if the reports can go directly on specific columns on my board or if I can set it up like MailChimp that just reports the stats to my inbox. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thank you!!

Hey Bonnie,

You’re right - Zapier can’t bulk import performance metrics yet. You can use the Data Importer app for exactly this purpose though.

You can import performance metrics either into your existing boards or create new boards with them. A lot of our users are social media/marketing managers who use the app to import metrics directly into their social media calendar boards using post urls.

I’ve created some tutorials here that included Instagram and Facebook, but do let me know if you have any questions.


Hello @bramirez

Welcome to the community! To integrate social media analytics into boards, you may consider using dedicated social media analytics tools such as Buffer, Hootsuite, or Social Status. They automate the reporting of metrics like likes, shares, and follows directly into your boards.