Solution for using URL parameters to pre-fill a text field?

I have searched the forums and seem to only find threads from a few years ago. I have a link when clicked from our website opens a monday form (aka a Questionnaire i believe - not sure if it’s a WorkForm per se) which is already being used and has been for a while. When the link is clicked from the website and the form is opened, the URL parameter is properly in the URL, and all i want to do is simply pre-fill a text field with it in the form.

I’ve done this as a web dev in other contexts but here it is not working. I did name the new text field the exact same thing as the url param (job-title). But using browser tools to inspect the new field when testing the form, i see the form fields do not have the name attribute, which is what’s needed to make the connection.

What workarounds are available if any? Is there a way to add JavaScript which i could write to add the name attribute to the text field?

Besides adding a text field, no other drastic changes are desired for the form.

If i missed any pertinent threads, feel free to point me there.


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Me too!!! I have a signup sheet for course reviews, and would like to launch the form (another board) and send the Course Name and Reviewer name or email address to prepopulate the form.

@jcfretts @frank_the_fish

We just officially launched URL Parameters in our monday form builder Easyform, check out our community post here.