Sort Card by Timeline in Kanban view

I am trying to set up a kanban board/view for scheduling.

I have I have (4) categories in my rough-in status:

  • (empty)
  • 10 ! - which means 100% ready
  • Working on it - which means we are in progress
  • Done - of course meaning the rough-in is done


I would like to force the jobs/cards in the (Empty) column to sort by RI (rough-in) Timeline so the cards closest to the top has priority.

Is there a way to do this?
I’ve looked at filters and have done some searching in “Help” but do not see what I am looking for.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


It would be great if we could set the card column for each status separately. The only thing that I could thing of is to move the RI Timeline, in the Main Table to the first column. In the Kanban, the top column is related to the order of the columns in the Main table