Sort or filter boards by last or most recent update

Is there a way to sort or filter boards by last or most recent update? I want a quick way to identify tasks that haven’t been updated/noted by the team recently.

Hi @queenjay007, that is a great question!

I did some digging from my side, and it definitely looks like we don’t have “Updates” in the sorting options for a board:

But there is a workaround! We can do the following:

1 - Create a new Date column in your board, this will be the column we will sort by;

2 - Create a new custom workflow in your board (formerly known as automations), such as this:
→ When update is created, set “Last Update Date” (the Date column you just created) to today. Here’s step by step images of how to do this:

Go to the board you want to sort by updates, and click on the “Workflows” button

Click on “Create custom workflow”

Click on the “When this happens” text so we can set the trigger for the workflow

Click on “More options”

Click on “When update is created”

For the action of the workflow, you need to find the “Set date” option. You can search for it in the search bar above the results. Click on the “Set date” option

Select the Date column you created, or create it directly in this step. Check the “Include time” option if you’d like to sort based on date and time of day.

This is what you should have in the end:

Finally, click on “Create automation”, and you’re done!

Now every time an update is created on any item, that item’s Date column will be updated. This means now you can sort by the date and time the updates happened, like this!

And that’s it! Let me know if it helped :smiley:

Side note: does have a “Last Updated” column type, but the name is very misleading, and it does not serve the purpose of this workaround. This is because the “Last Updated” column type shows when an item was LAST MODIFIED, and not when the last update was created (creating an update in an item does not update the “Last Updated” column).


This works great once you know this trick or starting new. What about if I have a existing (massive) board with a ton of conversations. Is there anyway to “backfill” this date column?