Specific game booking calendar

Hello Monday.com community!
I have been using the solution at my workplace for some time and I managed to do almost everything that the business requires via this amazing tool! But… there is one thing that I cannot figure out how to do - replication of our current booking sheet (Google sheet). I am attaching a sample of the sheet, so it is more clear what the logic behind it is: Booking sheet example - Google Sheets
Basically, this is a calendar of every day of the year, that is currently divided in separate tabs. The venue has 2 fields - both with different session timings. For example Field 1 has games with the following timing: 10-11:30, 11:30-1, 1:2:30, etc. Each field also has capacity Field 1 is 30 players per session, and Field 2 is 40 players. Google sheets has a formula implemented that deducts from a total capacity number every time a player has been added to the time slot.
Can someone possibly help with advise on how to implement this in monday.com? Even if additional integration or app is required for this, as long as a solution can be found.
I would really appreciate the amazing community’s help with this and thank you in advance!


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Dear Marina,

Good morning and hope that you are well? I’m looking for a very similar functionality…did you manage to find any integration that works or did anyone respond to you?

Thanks & kind regards


I helped Marina with this, We used make.com for this. DM me for more info.

Hope this helps

Hey @Ultraviolet ,

Welcome to the monday community.

This requirement can be achieved in two ways.

  • Custom workflow and automations receipes in monday

  • Make (Integromat) and Monday API integration.

If you’re looking for a professional assistance [hiring monday.com consultants] from a preferred partner company is the right choice. The consultants can potentially build custom workflows and automations in a way to help you visualize and setup your project boards.

Neelam B
Damco Solutions
Phone: +1 609 632 0350 | Email : info@damcogroup.com

Creating a specific game booking calendar involves selecting a suitable platform and tailoring it to your gaming needs. Digital calendars like Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, or Apple Calendar are popular choices due to their ease of use, accessibility, and sharing capabilities. These platforms allow you to create events, invite participants, and set reminders, ensuring everyone is informed and prepared for the game sessions. For more sophisticated requirements, such as managing RSVPs, sending automatic reminders, or integrating with other tools, you might consider dedicated booking systems like Calendly or Doodle. These platforms offer enhanced functionalities that can streamline the organization of gaming events, whether they are for sports, board games, or online gaming. The key is to choose a platform that fits the scale and complexity of your gaming activities, making the process of scheduling and participation as smooth and enjoyable as the games themselves.

Creating a game booking calendar? Use platforms like Google Calendar, Outlook, or Apple Calendar for simplicity. Need more features? Try Calendly or Doodle. Consider FC 24 Mobile version for gaming-specific features.

Thanks For Share This Blog !!

It’s great to hear that the solution has been working well for your business needs! Replicating your current booking sheet from Google Sheets can be tricky, but it’s definitely possible. Start by exploring the integration options within the tool to import your existing data. Look for features that allow custom templates or synchronization with Google Sheets. @JHconsultancy This might involve using APIs or specific import functions provided by the tool. If you’re still stuck, the customer support team or community forums can be invaluable resources. Similarly, if you’re familiar with changing the language in games like Traffic Rider, think of this as a similar customization process—it’s all about finding the right settings and adjustments to match your needs. Keep experimenting and don’t hesitate to reach out for help!