Status Change to Anything But/Except A Value

Can you get an automation that like this:

When Status A changes to anything except/but Value A, change Status B to Value B.

That way you don’t have to make multiple automations.

Hi @Julie2 ,

Yes we can achieve this with a single recipe but the grammar would not be exactly the same you are looking for, Though it’ll serve the same purpose.

When status changes to anything and only if status is not something.

Let me know, if need help regarding this.

Happy to help you out.

Aquib Zafar

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Hi aquibk,

I am also trying to create such an automation. Can you tell me which automation it is as I can’t find it and I am can’t find if status is not automation.

Thanks in advance,

Hi @didi ,

You can go to custom automation section and create a recipe from there.

When status changes and then click on + icon, you’ll get a list from which you can select only if status is something.

If you are still unable to identify, lets arrange a call and I’ll guide you through.


OMG, I can’t believe that I didn’t see the Is/is not option yet. Thank you very much @aquibk

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