Subitems status mirror selective status option

when there are multiple subitems under and item and each item has a status, it shows a colourcoded parent showing all items without text.

an option needed to have the subitem status parent in the main item to have ability to filter status where we can mirror the subitem status in multiple mirrored parent varies in the category for status.

for example:

Item name is : Sliding Door
Subitem 1 Status: glass Purchased
Subitem 2 Status: Material received

if I do a mirror for the subitems status it will show me one item with two colours with no legend of the meaning of the colour.

it would be good if
1- There is a legend for the color.
2- If there is an option to crease multiple mirror column, each column will detect selectable status where it only tracks that.

so We mirror the status into a parent item, then we filter it to show the status of Subitem 1, and another partent item to show Subitem 2 status. and it groups the tracking by Subitem and an option to group by status.