Sum columns into a totals column on another board

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Hi everyone,

I’m trying to figure out if this is possible and how to implement it:

I have a board called “Individual Orders” that ties back to an overarching deal and company. My goal is to automatically summarize or roll up the total of each individual order from the “Individual Orders” board to another board.

Here’s the setup on the Individual Orders Board:

  • Column A: Individual Orders
  • Column B: Company Name
  • Column C: Deal Name
  • Column D: Individual Order Value

What I’d like to achieve is to automatically sum the values in Column D (Individual Order Value) on a separate board (either the Deal Board or the Company Board) based on the Deal Name or Company Name. I’ve tried connecting the boards and using mirroring, but it’s not automatically summing by the Deal or Company columns.

Is there a way to set this up so the total values from the “Individual Orders” board are automatically linked and summed by deal or company without manually linking each individual order?

Thanks for your help!

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Hi Shannon,
You could setup a MATCH automation
This would enable you to find similar items under a specific group (Deal Name or Company Name) and mirror their summaries effectively without manually linking each individual order

Thank you! Unfortunately, I’ve tried that but I can’t see the deal’s name as a drop down option for the MATCH automation.

Here’s what worked for me in a test.

Individual Orders Boards with two-way Connect Boards column:

Company Board:

Automation on Individual Orders Board (found in Templates):


Would this work for your purposes?

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Amazing! Thank you for this breakdown and the images Bree!

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Hi Bree

Searched and found your solution. Brilliant. Would never have thought of that. Was also looking at mirrored but could not find a way to sum up.

Another piece to my puzzle if you could help please.

This works perfectly for the sum up but mine is different in that it has the hours and I need a filter.

My main board which I import hours for projects has Columns such as these
Employee; Project #; Total Hours; Date; Month (this is a formula field that pulls out the number of the month i.e. April is 04)

My other board has the projects and the link is the Project # and your solution worked in that it does sum up the hours on this board but I have month columns so I also need it to only sum up the hours for 04 in one column, 05 in another column (12 columns for each month).

Would you know a way around this?

On the board that sums up I have this

I then have columns to the right of this for each month of the year. The columns are formula columns that I then want to extract the sum of hours for each month.

So Apr month I want it to sum up the hours between the date range of 1 Apr and 30 Apr.

Many thanks

@Bree Me again :slight_smile: I tried to perform what you’ve outlined but unfortunately, I can’t pair company name in the individual orders board to the name in the company board because the individual orders name is a mirror result. We are trying to limit how many manual entries we have across each board when they should easily link. Sort of frustrating within Monday CRM compared to other CRMs and their out of box solutions. It appears formulas and mirror columns cannot be used in automations so we cannot leverage your solution.

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Hi @ShannonTW,

You could achieve it using a 3rd-party app, called the Advanced Formula Booster.

This app completely reinvents formulas in monday, without even using the Formula column (and therefore avoiding all the limitations of the Formula column).


Here is a quick demo. In the Sales board, you enter a sales figure and assign the company by a Connect column, linking to the Companies board.



For this, you only need 1 formula:

  • In line 1, we get the name of the connected company and store it in [Company].
  • In line 2, we get the list of all company names for all items of the board and store it in [Companies].
  • In line 3, we create a lookup of the sales to this company. In other words, we look for [Company] in [Companies] and get the list of the corresponding {Sale} column.
  • In line 4, we sum all those sales (ie. the sales specific to the company).
  • In line 5, we get the position of the company in the Companies board (we look for all the company names in the Company board and find the position of the company identified in line 1). This is the equivalent of the match previously discussed in this topic. This position is stored in [PosInCompanies].
  • Then, in line 6, we set the {Sold} column of that company to the total we calculated in line 4. For this, we use the position indicator: #[PosInCompanies]

Here is a simulation to illustrate what happens on each line (you can run simulations directly in the app):

To run the formula, you simple create 2 automations in the Sales board, so that the formula is triggered when you enter/modify the sale and the company:

Hope it helps.