The table widget is currently EXTREMELY underdeveloped. There is a huge opportunity to deliver Monday users a ton of value if the table widget is improved.
We should be able to combine connected tables within the table widget into one single table. As opposed to each table with a big division between each one and its groups.
The table widget should also be highly customizable.
We should be able to create groups that combine all items from the connects tables’ groups, or combine several groups. We need a lot of control and customization here.
When these connected tables are combined, we should then be able to SORT and Filter the data however we see fit. Currently we cannot sort anything. And even if we could, it would be very difficult to see the data because there are huge visual gaps between each table and its respective groups.
Please improve this. Combining tables is a fundamental part of a project manager/task manager’s workflow.
Currently we have to create these hacky solutions where we connect boards and link items in boards, etc. a total headache
If we can just connect the boards do one table widget, then manipulate the data and sort all of the collective data we want, that widget will be extremely valuable and the idea of buying enterprise will be more useful because the idea of connecting 50 tables to one table widget is very appealing.
This would be a huge workflow improvement so please consider implementing this soon.
Thank you