Team Time Tracking over multiple boards

Hi there!

We’d like to be able to create a dashboard/board that can view all of our team’s tracked time across all of our projects (spread over 300+ boards!). In an ideal world, we would have a view that would show a team member’s total tracked time per day, the board it was on, and the task.

I know this can be done with the time tracking widget to a certain degree, but as team members work across more than 20+ boards each, this isn’t possible/practical.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!

I can’t upvote this more strongly - to me the most critical shortcoming of is the board centered product design. I got as far as setting up automations on our template boards to pull in any tasks that are assigned to a member of my team. My thought was ok just add a dashboard to the board of ALL tasks, plus that way I can add columns to measure LOE and sizing of tasks for more granular reporting - which would only be of interest to my team. It only makes sense to report on the whole workload not on a per board basis. But I got stymied / it proved to not be scalable for multiple reasons:

  1. I have to set up an automation for each individual on my 17+ team because another pointless limitation is that you can only set up automation to look at one person. If people come and go then I have to manually update every board.

  2. There is also no way to save a populated automated rule set and keep selecting it from automations - try it. You have to actually keep resetting up the rule from scratch which is an enormous waste of time

  3. I also wanted to understand the status of the original task, and to watch it’s status as it updates over time so we can know what’s blocked, etc and again add to reporting. In theory you can do with Connect Boards and a Mirror Column, in practice it’s subject to the same ridiculous limitation as virtually every other feature in - you need to pick which boards you’re interested in. Do I have the time or ability to understand what all our active boards are named AND update this status column? Absolutely not.

In short, I got close but just keep running into this boards requirement which is a hard limit.

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