Time tracking dashboard set up help

Hi all,

I am building processes for my new employer and I am struggling to build an efficient Time-tracking system for projects (Boards) and tasks (Items)
We have several projects managed on separate boards, with several stages (groups) and multiple tasks (items) on which multiple members of the staff work on and report. We want to track time spent on individual task and on individual projects by members of staff by week/month.
I have added a time tracking column on each item and created a dashboard where I want to monitor progress through the following views:

  • Time input on individual boards (Week/month/custom range date)
  • Time input by individual members (week/month)
  • Time input by an individual member by week as a calendar (so each member can view hours input in a given week and hours missing)

I think this will be key to monitor production and I am very surprised that the platform doesn’t have a template that does exactly that and that there are only two articles about it with very limited information.

Anybody has done anything similar?


I hereby summon up the highest Monday.com experts to assists me on this
@Julietteb @basdebruin @rob @OrFrid @BiancaT @Matias.Monday @JCorrell @rachelatmonday
If you guycould help me that would be great.


Hello @WilliamdR,

To be transparent, I am not sure if there are any apps doing this at the moment. I can’t think of one but I might be missing something.

If you have any technical issues or questions about the documentation, please let us know at appsupport@monday.com!