Office Hours discussion thread!

Welcome to our dedicated Office Hours thread, where discussions from each of our sessions will be posted for you to reference.

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Session 1

Discussion point 1: Breaking up project specifications for Clients that have a number of stores across multiple locations:

  • Client specific boards to centralise data and easily mirror low-level information into high-level project boards.
  • Utilise ‘groups’ to specify the location, and break down stores into items. This way we can leverage subitems to further breakdown data in a structured, succinct format.

To explore further:

  • How can we combat subitem limitations, especially when data is initially being submitted via a form in a seperate board?
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Session 1

Discussion point 2: Time-reporting in

  • Employee-specific time tracking boards → utilise automations to move/create items in the employee time tracking board after the employee is assigned to the task (in a project/task board).

  • Option to connect the item across boards for project tracking (and cross-referencing purposes).

  • Time can be tracking utilising the time-tracking column or simply using the numbers column.

  • As teams grow, you can also consider creating team/department specific boards to track team members. In this situation, you can utilise a status column to indicate which task falls with which team, which would trigger the automation to create the same item in the team board:

Once the task has been created in the relevant team board, the task can be delegated to the employee group (via automation), and they can track time accordingly:

This set up allows for more in-depth reporting capabilities too, especially within our dashboards:

To explore further:

Session 1

Discussion point 3: How to have the updates stay with item, when items are created across boards through automations?

  • In order to combat this limitation of updates being unable to appear in items created across boards, we established this particular recipe:

  • By moving the item (instead of creating a new item) we can ensure that the updates remain with that item in the destination board.

  • We also utilised a status column to identify which items that need to be created across boards (as for the use-case discussed, all items weren’t required in the destination board).

  • It was also noted that data from the initial board can be mapped into the item in the destination board - as long as column types match across the 2 boards:

Session 1

Discussion point 4: Sharing weekly reports to employees, without creating a broadcast view (aim to avoid security/privacy infringements)

  • Our suggestion here was to instead invite those employees into the account as viewers. This way, they can be invited to a main, shareable or private board and access the data, while it all remains information secure within the platform.

  • It was also suggested to utilise the schedule dashboard email notification which is supported on Enterprise.

Hi Bianca,

Thank you for sharing! May I ask you; How did you set up the the time tracking report chart?

Thank you!

Utilizing client-specific boards to centralize data is a smart move, and leveraging ‘groups’ to specify locations can really streamline the process. As for combating subitem limitations, that’s a tough one. One workaround could be setting up automated workflows to transfer data seamlessly between boards, but that might not always be foolproof.

I get over this by adding an “Originator” status column i.e. status column that would show those subitem groups, its then very easy to to filter and compare sites.