Trying to fill additional fields when creating an item according to the API documention

apiKey = “MySecretKey”
apiUrl = “
headers = {“Authorization” : apiKey}
query5 = ‘mutation ($myItemName: String!, $columnVals: JSON!) { create_item (board_id:myBoard_ID, item_name:$myItemName, column_values:$columnVals) { id } }’
vars = {
‘myItemName’ : billingAddressVariable, #works as is, variable
‘columnVals’ : json.dumps({
'WorkID : {‘value’ : workIDVariable}, #does not work, variable
‘Ticket#’ : {‘text’ : ticketNumberVariable}, #does not work, variable
‘status’ : {‘label’ : 'Working on it '}, #works as is; constant
‘date4’ : {‘date’ : dueDateVariable} #works as is; variable
data = {‘query’ : query5, ‘variables’ : vars}
r =, json=data, headers=headers) # make request

No errors, date and status columns fill no problem, same with myItemName. This is but one of many attempted formats of implementation. Nothing changes. Ticket# and WorkID refuse to fill. I am using official docs as far as I am able.

Hello there @KevKev and welcome to the community!

I hope you like it here :muscle:

The correct syntax for a number column would be just using the number. No ‘value’ key needed.
‘WorkID’ : 123456789

The correct syntax for a text column would be just using the text as a string. No ‘text’ key needed.

‘Ticket#’ : “Some text”

I hope this helps!


Thanks, I’m glad to be here. And thanks for taking some time to assist. I’m still not getting WorkID and Ticket# to post to the generated items on the board.

apiKey = "MySecretKey"
apiUrl = ""
headers = {"Authorization" : apiKey}
query5 = 'mutation ($myItemName: String!, $columnVals: JSON!) { create_item (board_id:3467404663, item_name:$myItemName, column_values:$columnVals) { id } }'

vars = {
    'myItemName' : billingAddress,
    'columnVals' : json.dumps({
        'WorkID' : workIDVariable, #still not working, variable
        'Ticket#' : ticketNumberVariable, #still not working, variable
        'status' : {'label' : 'Working on it'}, #works as is, constant
        'date4' : {'date' : date} #works as is, variable
data = {'query' : query5, 'variables' : vars}
r =, json=data, headers=headers) # make request

Still no errors, date, status and item name columns fill. I know the workID and ticket# variables aren’t empty, I print all variables to the console to make sure of it. Thanks!

Nevermind, I just figured it out. Just learned about column IDs and why date4 is what it is and how to find them. I kept googling to find additional topics and found a topic by leokushnir in June '20 with a similar issue that you @Matias.Monday solved for me by mentioning actual column ID’s. So thanks for that! I also didn’t realize a developer account won’t have developer mode enabled by default :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

Keep on your toes, because I’ll probably come back with more questions!

Edit: for solution thanks to @Matias.Monday 2 years ago:
Edit column values by enabling developer mode. Click on your avatar on bottom left, go to monday.labs, enable developer mode. Now when you click on a column the Id will be visible. Use that for column value pairs like so: {column_ID : myColumnValue} or {numbers6: aNumber}.
Here is my solution for anyone else:

apiKey = “MySecretKey”
apiUrl = “
headers = {“Authorization” : apiKey}
query5 = ‘mutation ($myItemName: String!, $columnVals: JSON!) { create_item (board_id:3467404663, item_name:$myItemName, column_values:$columnVals) { id } }’

vars = {
‘myItemName’ : billingAddress,
‘columnVals’ : json.dumps({
‘numbers6’ : workIDVariable,
‘text’ : ticketNumberVariable,
‘status’ : {‘label’ : ‘Working on it’},
‘date4’ : {‘date’ : date}
data = {‘query’ : query5, ‘variables’ : vars}
r =, json=data, headers=headers) # make request

Hello again!

Ohhh sorry about that!

I missed that you were assigning those names as column IDs.

I am glad you found it :slightly_smiling_face:

Let us know if you have more questions!
