Thanks for reaching out and joining our community. As mentioned before over email, you will not be able to upload files to via URL. You can only send files to our API from local storage by sending the file itself in bytes.
The solution I can currently recommend is downloading the file from AWS servers, then creating the file’s octet stream and sending that to as part of a multipart-form/data request.
Hi @AlexSavchuk
Thanks Alex, i will do it in my php code but as of now
as you can see in image i have added the file from local storage
But issue is same
Is there may be any permission issue ?
Could you please send me your PHP_curl request code of postman ?
and please please give me example of image add in curl request I have no idea how can I add the local file in variables[file]
I’ve just checked our logs and I do not see any errors, and it seems like the request has gone through without issues. Could you clarify what the response from using this code was?
You guy amazing and the is really really good, I have successfully uploaded files from curl
Alex your helping nature really appreciable, I am so happy to work with you
but I need to think for remote file upload without download at my end
because if I will do like download and then add, which is so much time consuming, one more point is I have multi upload file that could consume more time
I will try to create blob and others
it is possible to do like that?, or you have any suggestions for me and users
Ah, amazing! I’m really glad to hear you were able to find a solution to this now.
If you don’t mind me asking, is there any chance you could share what was the fix for you? I’m really curious!
In terms of uploading a file from a remote location, as mentioned, this is not possible. I think you’ve mentioned before that you are using AWS - if so, you could attempt to send the Binary data of your file from AWS to, as this is what our platform will expect. To be transparent with you, I can not confirm whether this solution will work in practice, though.
Uploading multiple files is not an option at all, I’m afraid, and there isn’t any workaround I can suggest here. I’ll definitely pass that on as a feature request, thoguh.