Using Zapier to search all items strings in a group and return Item ID

Hello Monday Community,

I use Zapier for automating my business, and this is the process I am trying to automate:

  1. Person signs up for Calendly appointment and identifies name string
  2. Zapier searches a Monday group and compares the item name strings (which are the names of the clients)
  3. If one of them matches the Calendly name string, it returns the Item ID to use for the next chain in the zap.

I would greatly appreciated any insight into this. Thank you for your time.

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Hello @ryantetreault!

Welcome to the community. I hope you like it here :muscle:

I am not entirely sure if this is something Zapier can do. I hope someone here has experience using that platform to help you out!

In the meantime, I recommend contacting Zapier directly to ask if this is possible using their platform, and if not, maybe they can offer you a workaround for it. Since this is related to Zapier, they will probably have the most complete answer about it.

If you have any questions regarding the flow on Monday’s side, please do not hesitate to contact us!
