What to expect in 2023, by monday.com Product Director

Did you watch Shirley Baumer’s product update at Elevate22? We are so excited for what 2023 has in store for us, and are sharing it with our community first!

There are three major, game-changing elements of our platform that are planned for 2023. They are:

1. An entire suite of new features:

  • A whole new level of connectivity for boards and dashboards. With this, you’ll be able to automatically connect data from your boards and dashboards together using as many layers of hierarchy as you want, so that everyone is connected to the same source of truth at all times.
  • Portfolio overview of all active projects. We’re working on a new, strategic overview page so that you can seamlessly manage all active projects, risks, and resources, to keep the progress towards your company goals moving forwards in an efficient way.
  • Workflows center to fully customize your automated actions. With the upcoming workflows center, you’ll be able to easily build chains of automated actions, or use pre-set templates created by other customers, connecting your monday.com workflows with other external platforms in any way that you wish.

2. Reinforcing our infrastructure from the ground up:
So many of our customers have scaled their businesses and teams on monday.com, and with that the needs of the Work OS grow with them.These growing needs are so exciting and add extra layers of complexity to the monday.com infrastructure. Sometimes, this growth has affected our platforms’ stability-- we’re now rebuilding and expanding some areas of our core infrastructure to support more complex needs and increase speed across the platform.
We’re aiming to support boards that contain up to 100,000 items, while making the time it takes to load, search and filter 10x faster. (Just some of the exciting developments that we’ve been working on.)So you can be as efficient as you like and work without limits on monday.com.

3. monday sales CRM:
We’re excited to announce the full launch of the monday sales CRM product - an end to end product that provides you with full control over your sales process, from managing your contacts to streamlining your post sales processes and enablement, all while maintaining the same flexibility that you know and love from the monday.com workOS platform!
In addition to our fan-favorite Emails & Activities, Quotes & Invoices app, and other CRM features, we’re working on adding new capabilities which will allow monday sales CRM users to:

  • Send bulk emails to potential clients with ease
  • Have a new, in-depth center to view and mange contacts and clients
  • And, much more!

Your potential future workflow →


epic! thanks for shear with us

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Waiting for such a long time for that!!

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This will be great. I have workflow stuff built into automations and integrations, which is not easy to see what triggers what and the overall flow. So when 1 step is missed or needs to be added, good luck figuring out what’s done.

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That sounds like a lot of great improvements for the platform ! Congrats to the product team
Is there a kind of public roadmap so we can have an idea of the time these features will be released ?


Hi @Julietteb , I missed the discussion but would love to know whether there are improvements coming to the time tracking element of Monday.com?

This seems to be an ongoing issue for so many people so would love to know what is happening here.

Thank you


Hey! So great question adn thanks for raising this issue! We are working toward an improved system to ensure our community is first to hear all about out future plans and roadmaps. We’re well aware of the issues with our current time tracking feature, and changing its current structure is definitely in our plans for next year. We will share more info soon.

For now you can check out release notes here: https://support.monday.com/hc/en-us/articles/4417777325586-Release-notes-2022

Exciting things coming for the community in 2023!


@Julietteb this is great!

With the enhanced experience for dashboards, is there going to be an increase of boards that can connect?! The dashboards are extremely helpful especially when viewing collective data!

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Hi @Julietteb !

Now that we’re into 2023, can you give us a roadmap for when things might roll out? All of it is so appreciated, and especially the project hierarchy is going to be such a profound improvement that people have been struggling with for years. But is this something that is coming in a matter of weeks and we can be rethinking our workflow now? Or is this something we should not expect will actually arrive for a long time? Like 6 or 12 months? Any kind of a sense you can give us would be so helpful!

And please give us screenshots or demos of how it’s going to work! Even just more detailed descriptions of what it will be would help tremendously.

Thank you!


the @mondaydotcom twitter just posted a clip re: recurring automations that mentioned “workflows center” – is that something we can enable? Curious why the mentioning of it at all as a “tip” if it’s not available yet.

Is there any update on getting some form of visual roadmap with an approximate idea of when/where these new features will become available?

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Hi @EMorton and @Bennett at the moment we do not have a visual roadmap but do publish monthly recaps on our latest releases and what is in development. I encourage you to check it out every month in our announcements section. If there is any sort of visual we can get I will make sure to post it for our community

Morning Juliette,

Any update on where we are on this roadmap? Unlimited hierarchy is going to solve some major issues for us currently.


Hi Change! Did you see the updates in Elevate 23?

You can also vote on the feature and see the updates in our feature request category. There are some updates to this request coming soon :wink: