What's the best way to manage 90 subitems?

I have a board that creates 90 subitems for each item that is created (I’m using it to manage audits. Each item is another member who is being audited, each subitem is a field/task that’s needed for the audit to be complete).
What would be the best way to manage the subitems? They are divided into 10 categories, which I am indicating in a dropdown column, but it’s hard to manage so many subitems.
Any ideas?

Hey Soroh!

I would suggest perhaps creating an Update with these 90 fields/tasks listed in it instead of 90 subitems just because that automation will burn through your allotted automation actions for the month with 90 actions used every time it triggers.

Also, it can cause things to load a bit slower if you have so many subitems in your board.

Have you considered an automation recipe that creates a new board per audit? You can set up a template board with all of the items/subitems already set up for each task and so when a new audit needs to be created, the automation triggers and creates a board from that template.

What do you think about this?

Hey Soroh,

We developed an app that could be useful in managing such a large amount of subitems. It allows to assign subitem values based on its parent item, usually they are closely related. Here are two examples.

On creation - Populate item’s data into its subitems in a seamless way

On change - Being able to set dependency between a subitem to an item

You can check it out here - https://monday.com/marketplace/10000287

Hope that helps!

Hi Soroh,

I think I prefer Charlotte’s suggestion here. Defining what is a subitem vs item vs update vs board etc. can be more art than science. I’m sure Fantasy Media have made a great app, however the more third party tools you include and workarounds you use, the more tech bloat you create.

One thing that might help is using views and filters. If you have a status, dropdown, or tag column on your subitems for example. That could be used to filter based on categories, priorities, or statuses, which might help you to manage your data more easily.

It’s also possible to use another board and connect the boards together. You could consider this as an alternative to subitems. Although you can’t see all the data from the parent and subitems together, connected items have a similar relationship. There are lots of automations for working with connections between boards, and it gives you the advantage of working with “fully featured” items rather than subitems.